Birdsboro-Union Fire Department is a volunteer based service that is always in need of volunteers to offer the best possible service to our residents. BUFD has three membership categories, Junior Firefighter, Active Firefighter and Support Member.
Junior Firefighters are young men and young women from the ages of 14 - 17 years old. These members are limited by the Child Labor Laws, this is primarily a training position. These members learn the basics of the fire service and the equipment that is used from day-to-day. They are able to attend local and state level certification courses.
Active Firefighters are men and women 18 years or older. These members are the men and women that provide the fire suppression, rescue services, and medical care to the sick or injured. Each member is trained on an in-house, local, and state level. There are also opportunities for national certifications. Active firefighters are required to attend minimal courses to learn the basic firefighting techniques and emergency first aid & CPR.
Support Members are men and women 18 years or older. These members are men and women who do not wish to participate in the firefighting aspects of the department; however, they do wish to participate in fundraisers, financial aspects, and other public services provided by the department. Support Members are only required to actively participate in support functions of the department.
If you wish to serve your community, Birdsboro-Union Fire Department is a good way to help your neighbor in their time of need. Our members come from many different backgrounds from office workers to career firefighters with other municipalities.
To join, please download a Membership Application, fill it out and drop it off to our headquarters located at 214 W. First Street. You may also mail your application to:
Birdsboro-Union Fire Department
Attn: Membership Committee
214 West First Street
Birdsboro, PA 19508
If you have questions, you may either contact us at (610) 582-0058 or by email at Membership@BUFD7.org.